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Duration 4 days
Time from 09h00 - 12h30 & 13h30 - 17h00
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Next training location Novotel Brussels City Center





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19th of May – Novotel Brussels City Center

Lessons Learned and Best Practices for a Secure Cloud Transformation 

Moving to the cloud presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in cybersecurity and compliance. During this Stay Tuned session, Ward Dierynck (Head of Security Engineering at Belfius) will share his insights and best practices on this topic. We will cover concrete strategies for managing hybrid cloud environments securely and efficiently, with a focus on cyber resilience, risk management, and regulatory compliance (such as DORA). The session will also address key challenges, including the impact on governance, security operations, and risk management. 


CRA Impact: Strategic Implications for Security Leaders
This session on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) will explore its significant implications for security leaders and CISOs in the coming years. Participants will gain understanding of the CRA’s key provisions, compliance requirements, and strategic adaptations needed to meet these new regulatory standards. The session will highlight how these regulations will reshape security governance, product development cycles, and risk management frameworks.
By Maxim Baele, principal consultant product security Toreon 


SBOM: A CISO’s Guide to Software Supply Chain Security 

Are you a CISO looking to better understand and manage Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)?

Join  Steve Springett, Board Member of the OWASP Foundation, where he helps drive the future of secure software through open collaboration, education, and innovation. In this session, Steve will share his expert insights on why SBOM in its current form falls short and how security leaders should approach it. He will explore the broader context of SBOMs, the limitations of the current SBOM model, and the crucial role of lifecycle management. 

By Steve Springett, director product security ServiceNow 

Register for a free trial session!

Are you a busy CISO and find it challenging to keep up with all the new trends? Or have you recently been trained in the subject matter and find yourself lacking clarity regarding the trends? DPI has the training for you that will keep you ‘on track: Stay Tuned as a CISO.

This formula* offers the ideal opportunity to stay up-to-date as a CISO constantly. Each quarter, during this training, we continue to build upon two CISO modules from DPI’s certification path in light of current events. With this subscription formula, you get four training days in one year. During each training day, we zoom in on two topics that are current trends in the world of IT security.

The instructors for Stay Tuned are carefully selected by DPI based on their expertise and didactic talents.

With Stay Tuned as CISO, we are building on our CISO certification training. We zoom in on the various modules covered in this training, specifically:

  • First Quarter
    • Security Governance & Compliance
    • Security Architecture
  • Second Quarter
    • Secure System Acquisition & Development
    • Security Operations
  • Third Quarter
    • Threat & Vulnerability Management
    • Leadership
  • Fourth quarter
    • Stay updated on regulations, digital trends, and threat landscapes
    • CISO case study

CISO, stay tuned, is not a course for beginners. We build on the knowledge acquired in the CISO certification training. Each domain is further explored based on the very latest trends, threats and best practices.

Why take this training?

  • You have completed the CISO training (or equivalent through experience), but are interested in more;
  • You don’t have the time to follow all the important developments yourself;
  • You wish to be constantly updated on what is going on in the world of CISOs.

Target group

This course is aimed at CISOs. Participants in this course should have at least a basic understanding of the main principles in the domains cited above, as covered in the CISO certification course.

Learning Objectives

  • Keep abreast of all new trends and techniques;
  • Deepen and broaden knowledge;
  • Gain an overview of what experts and other CISOs perceive as good practices;

Our didactic approach to this training

This training takes place in a training room in a hotel.

Each training day is taught by at least two speakers and a moderator. Each speaker is a top expert in his or her field.

There is interaction with the group during the training.

Each trainee receives a printed version of the training materials with space for taking notes. In addition, the information (including the recordings) is made available in a digital learning platform. For all knowledge items, the instructor refers to real-life examples.

Final product

This training does not include an exam. The student will receive a certificate of attendance after the training.

How to prepare yourself

Prior knowledge: CISO certification or equivalent.

You do not need to prepare anything before this course except for a refresher on the key fundamentals in the areas to be covered.

It is possible to forward questions in advance. These will be addressed during the training to the extent possible and consistent with the format.

For more info on our instructors, please click here.
Our CISO advisor board members are listed here.

*Subscription Stay Tuned as CISO

This formula entitles you to four one-day trainings, to be followed in four consecutive quarters in English at Novotel Brussels City Center. This subscription is tacitly renewed after one year unless the holder proactively stops it at the latest one month before the end of the subscription.

Session Q4 2024

2nd of December – Novotel Brussels City Center

9:00-12:00: Aram Hovsepyan: “Applying OWASP SAMM, NIST CSF, and Effective Metrics”
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-14:00: Thomas Van Gremberghe: Legal Frameworks of Hacking
14:00-17:00: Ben Van Erck: Red Teaming AI for Security Leaders


Aram Hovsepyan: “Applying OWASP SAMM, NIST CSF, and Effective Metrics”

In today’s digital world, security is a fundamental requirement for every organization. Without it, businesses face increased risks, from costly breaches to reputational damage. Although we often perceive security as a big challenge, the reality is more straightforward. Proven frameworks like OWASP SAMM and NIST CSF offer systematic approaches to address security challenges effectively. For security leaders, the true challenge lies in strategically allocating resources to manage risk and maintain a “secure enough” environment. However, these decisions are impossible without the right measurement program to guide and validate decisions. 


In this interactive training, we will explore the complexities of both application security and broader cybersecurity challenges.  

The first half of the training focuses on OWASP SAMM and NIST CSF, demonstrating how these frameworks provide systematic solutions to the cybersecurity challenges. We will then focus on the importance of a meaningful measurement program for assessing and improving your security investments.  

The second part of the session is a hands-on game based on OWASP SAMM. It will give you a chance to apply these concepts and experiment with building and analyzing security metrics.  


Join us to sharpen your strategy for tracking and improving security initiatives, ensuring that your investments are driving the outcomes your organization needs to stay secure. 

Thomas Van Gremberghe: Legal Frameworks of Hacking

In the legal portion with Thomas Van Gremberghe, we will cover the legal aspects of a Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (CVDP) relevant for CISOs. We won’t go into every detail but will teach you exactly what you need to know about liability, confidentiality, and more so that you can safely and legally engage ethical hackers.

Gain insight into the key legal frameworks around hiring ethical hackers under Belgian law. We’ll focus on the essentials that a CISO needs to know about scope, reporting obligations, and documentation, allowing you to operate without legal pitfalls. We’ll also look at the obligations arising from the NIS 2 Directive, such as the impact on contracts with suppliers.

Ben Van Erck (CEO Refracted Security): Red Teaming AI for Security Leaders


In today’s fast-moving tech world, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is helping many businesses do their work faster and better. It’s being used for things like making decisions, answering customer questions, and improving how companies run. But as more businesses use AI, they also face new security risks. Hackers might try to attack AI systems, or AI itself could accidentally create problems. 


This course covers two important parts of AI security: how AI can be attacked and how AI could be used by bad guys to cause harm. Participants will learn about different ways AI systems can be attacked and how AI can be turned into a tool for cyberattacks. They’ll also discover how to spot these risks in their own companies and protect against them. This includes building safer AI systems, testing them to make sure they’re strong, and setting up rules to control how AI is used. 

Click here for details and free registration (first session)

Session Q1 2025

Strategic Challenges of GenAI, Jens Meijen, Founder Umaniq

We dive into the strategic, governance and accountability dimensions of GenAI:

  • The strategic challenges and opportunities of GenAI implementation.
  • Practical tools and strategic insights for rethinking AI-driven processes.
  • The challenge of AI literacy and change management.
  • Ensuring GenAI adoption is both ethical and responsible.

NIS2 Update, Valéry Vander Geeten, Head of Legal CCB

During our Stay Tuned just a year ago, we already covered NIS2. Since then, we have an intensive NIS2 training on the program that covers all obligations and practices from A to Z. During this session, we will mainly bring you the hottest updates. Valéry follows everything closely for us and will bring us the latest news.

Impact of Business model Transformations on Security Architecture, Sheryar Malik, Director INNOCOM

How do changes in the business model affect your security architecture? What risks and opportunities arise during a transformation? And more importantly: how can you as a CISO respond effectively? This session not only provides answers, but also provides you with practical tools and methods to apply directly in your organization.

14th of February – Novotel Brussels City Center
Register for a free trial session!

Session Q2 2025

19th of May – Novotel Brussels City Center

Lessons Learned and Best Practices for a Secure Cloud Transformation 

Moving to the cloud presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in cybersecurity and compliance. During this Stay Tuned session, Ward Dierynck (Head of Security Engineering at Belfius) will share his insights and best practices on this topic. We will cover concrete strategies for managing hybrid cloud environments securely and efficiently, with a focus on cyber resilience, risk management, and regulatory compliance (such as DORA). The session will also address key challenges, including the impact on governance, security operations, and risk management. 


CRA Impact: Strategic Implications for Security Leaders
This session on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) will explore its significant implications for security leaders and CISOs in the coming years. Participants will gain understanding of the CRA’s key provisions, compliance requirements, and strategic adaptations needed to meet these new regulatory standards. The session will highlight how these regulations will reshape security governance, product development cycles, and risk management frameworks.
By Maxim Baele, principal consultant product security Toreon 


SBOM: A CISO’s Guide to Software Supply Chain Security 

Are you a CISO looking to better understand and manage Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)?

Join  Steve Springett, Board Member of the OWASP Foundation, where he helps drive the future of secure software through open collaboration, education, and innovation. In this session, Steve will share his expert insights on why SBOM in its current form falls short and how security leaders should approach it. He will explore the broader context of SBOMs, the limitations of the current SBOM model, and the crucial role of lifecycle management. 

By Steve Springett, director product security ServiceNow 


More to come in the upcoming weeks.

Session Q3 2025

22nd of September – Novotel Brussels City Center

Session Q4 2025

8th of December – Novotel Brussels City Center



VAT exclusive

The price is for 4 sessions in total and includes lunch, coffee, refreshments and course materials at each session.

SME Portfolio - higher intervention for CYBERSECURITY theme: 45% for small and 35% for medium enterprises.

Register now

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  • “The Stay Tuned program is a good follow-up and a complement to the training.A recommended alternation with a lot of variety: different cases and declarations are covered. It’s very varied and interesting.

    When you go home, you always have a list of things to do and this usually results in a notice.

    It takes you out of practice for a few days a year and brings you back to theory, other people, other ideas, other points of view.”

    Luc Seyssens

    Information Technology Program Manager

  • “The Stay Tuned program is important for the renewal of the DPD certificate.

    It offers a combination of different factors, a chance to refresh one’s own experience, to start gaining more experience, to get up-to-date information. If there are new points of attention, we respond to them; we adapt to reality, to current events.”

    Christophe Veyer

    Data Protection Officer

  • “You can work with lots of other people at Stay Tuned; there are always other people around.

    I’m particularly interested in legal bases, legality and the public interest.As a DPO, you need to be aware of current developments, and these are covered here.”

    Anja De Greve

    Data Protection Officer

Annual subscription






Stay Tuned as Security Leader

Novotel Brussels City Center

We are recognized by:

  • Registration number KMO portefeuille: DV.O213013

    Our courses are accredited for the KMO-portefeuille. This means that, depending on whether you are a small or medium-sized enterprise, you can receive a 30% or 20% subsidy from the Flemish Government on the cost of registration.

  • Legal points Order of Flemish Bars

    If you submit an individual training file to the Order of Flemish Bars and Law Societies, you can give it 6 entitlement points per day as part of general training.

  • Recognition by the Institut des juristes d'entreprise

    Our training program is recognized by the IJE-IBJ.The training program meets the requirements of continuing education.

  • Recognition by the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Tax Advisors

    Our training courses are recognized by iec-iab. The training program meets the requirements of continuing education.

  • Recognition by the Institut des réviseurs d'entreprises

    Our training program is recognized by IBR-IRE. The training program meets the requirements of continuing education.

  • Autorité des services et marchés financiers

    Our training is recognized by the FSMA. The training program is eligible for continuing education points for Compliance Officers.

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