Celebrate Data Protection Day with us!
Win a seat in the CJEU Caselaw training! On January 28, 2025, it’s Data Privacy Day,…
CISO in the spotlight: Wendy Roodhooft
DPI: Who are you, and in which organization do you take on the role of CISO?…
Stay at the Forefront of Cybersecurity Leadership As a security leader, you face constant challenges in…
Privcon 2024: Het Evenwicht tussen privacy en praktijk
DPI bezocht Privcon 2024, de jaarlijkse hoogmis voor privacyprofessionals in Vlaanderen. Met een stalen lidkaart van…
The AI Act and the DPO
It’s not a shocking revelation to say that AI has come more into the focus of…
Empower Your CISO Journey: Master Security Governance and Compliance – Webinar Recording
Our latest webinar dove into key aspects of building a robust security program: Discover best practices…
What keeps you awake at night as a DPO? The buzz among our Stay Tuned alumni…
Interview with Jolien Ghyselinck on the occasion of the closing remarks of DPO DAY on 25 May
Jolien, you are DPO of a number of what are called Grant-Endowed Institutions. Those include institutions…
DPO DAY 25 May 2023 – Closing remarks
After this day, after 5 years of GDPR, the role of the DPO is still a…
DPO in the spotlight: Christa Verstraeten
In this article we want to spotlight a data protection officer based on 10 questions they…
The D in GDPR
When implementing or managing our day-to-day GDPR activities, we often look at the regulation, advice from…
Top 10 CISO Challenges: What to Expect and How to Prepare
In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, a CISO’s role is anything but static. The responsibility that…