Christian holds a PhD in Sciences from the University of Brussels and works as an independent consultant, auditor and coach.
Since more than 25 years, he is supporting executives and leaders looking to increase their own resilience as well as the resilience, continuity and sustainability of their enterprises.
He’s been working in very diverse and international environments abroad and in Belgium (BNPParibasFortis, Record Bank / ING, Sibelga, PwC, NMBS, Baloise, Etablissements Français du Sang, Roche pharma, Hamon, …).
Christian’s vision and experience from the field is that best resilient enterprises stay in business and grow by also caring about their people, technologies and environment. Hence the need for a winning sustainability strategy supports fight against climate change and reduction of the environmental footprint.
On a more personal touch, he is the proud father of 2 teen girls, and that’s another strong thrive for developing resilient paths on a daily base and offering his family a better future.
What does Christian do?
Advisory services (consulting, awareness, solution design, governance definition, mentoring), coaching and training:
- mainly around resilient IT and business activities
- Continuity plan creation, exercising and validation
- Low carbon transition / transformation: awareness, carbon footprint measurement, objective definition and roadmap creation.
Christian at the Data Protection Institute
Christian is on an early exploration about what is there for him and what he can bring to DPI to create mutual added value, support and development.
He is looking forward to a fruitful relationship, in a B-2-B bi-directional collaboration.
“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.”
Christian as a teacher
Christian graduated as secondary school teacher.
He delivered training to the HP Education Center.
He is a certified PECB Trainer.
He regularly presents at fairs / events.
As a teacher / presenter, he’s always looking to make it:
- Interactive (welcome dialogs, interventions from participants, Q&A’s, …);
- Practical (how are learned concepts used in real life, also inserting examples from my own experience).
Andere lesgevers
Georges Bolssens
- 15 years in Information Security
- MSc in Engineering
- Senior Application Security Consultant and pen test process coordinator @ Toreon
- Previous roles:
- IT manager at a bio-engineering company
- Independent Penetration tester
- Security Champion and Application Security consultant at a BEL20 company
- Internal Application Security Analyst and pen test process controller at a “Big-four” consulting company
Join me at LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georges-bolssens
Jens Meijen
Jens Meijen is a founder and managing partner at Umaniq, an AI governance, risk & compliance consultancy, and leads Ulysses AI, a start-up focused on AI prototyping. He is also a doctoral researcher at KU Leuven and a research fellow at the Portulans Institute in Washington DC. Previously, he was a Fulbright Fellow at Stanford University, a Europaeum Scholar in the University of Oxford’s Europaeum network, a Global Policy Fellow at the Institute for Technology and Society in Rio de Janeiro, and an Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader in Morocco.
Peter Craddock
Advocaat – Partner @ Keller and Heckman LLP – Data/Cyber/Tech Law
Publicaties op LinkedIn (actualiteit):
Legal technologist: advocaat & software ontwikkelaar
Jos Dumortier
Prof. dr. Jos Dumortier is een toonaangevende expert met meer dan 30 jaar ervaring in ICT- en gegevensbeschermingsrecht. Hij heeft talloze Europese overheden geadviseerd en heeft diepgaande kennis van de juridische kaders die de naleving van de GDPR sturen. Zijn ervaring en expertise maken hem de ideale docent om dit complexe onderwerp toegankelijk en relevant te maken voor DPO’s en privacy professionals.
Valéry Vander Geeten
Valéry Vander Geeten, Head of Legal bij het Centrum voor Cybersecurity België (CCB), zal de juridische aspecten van de NIS2-training verzorgen. Met meer dan 8 jaar ervaring bij het CCB, waar hij momenteel leiding geeft aan de juridische afdeling, beschikt Valéry over diepgaande expertise in cybersecuritywetgeving. Hij is tevens de Belgische vertegenwoordiger in de NIS Cooperation Group, wat zijn betrokkenheid bij de ontwikkeling en implementatie van de NIS2-richtlijn onderstreept.
Valéry heeft een achtergrond als advocaat bij de balie van Brussel en was daarnaast als docent-assistent verbonden aan de Faculteit Rechten en Criminologie van de Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Hij heeft diverse certificeringen op het gebied van informatiebeveiliging, waaronder ISO 27005 en GDPR, en heeft uitgebreide kennis van IT-recht en cybersecurity. Zijn combinatie van juridische expertise expertise”Valéry heeft een achtergrond als advocaat bij de balie van Brussel en was daarnaast als docent-assistent verbonden aan de Faculteit Rechten en Criminologie van de Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Hij heeft diverse certificeringen op het gebied van informatiebeveiliging, waaronder ISO 27005 en GDPR, en heeft uitgebreide kennis van IT-recht en cybersecurity
Gert Van den Poel
With more than 20 years of hands-on technical and executive leadership experience in IT security architecture & technology, Security Operations Centres, Managed Security Services (MSSP), and Industrial Control security, Gert is convinced that you can make your cybersecurity work for you as a gain instead of a pain.
He has always advocated for IT security solutions that are business-aligned, focused, and cost-effective. Hence, he founded together with Tom Van den Eynde Cybervalue. We are passionate about security solutions that provide value to an organization’s performance, reliability, agility, and its reputation.
Before his current role, Gert was CTO at a dedicated security ‘scale-up’ in London focused on providing Managed Detection and Response services. Before that, Gert acted as Verizon’s Subject Matter Expert in security analytics, SOC, and SCADA/ICS protection and led a global team of Practice Leaders focused on designing and delivering threat management solutions.
Anneleen Van de Meulebroucke
- Counsel Digital & Data Protection, Eubelius cvba advocatenkantoor
- Docent Data protection UCL School of Management (compliance officers)
- Opleiding DPO, Data Protection Instititute (2016)
- Digital Leadership Programma, Vlerick (2020)
Tom Van den Eynde
With more than 20 years of hands-on technical and executive leadership experience in IT Security Architecture & Technology, Security Operations Centres (SOC), Managed Security Services (MSSP), Information Security Strategy and Governance (CISO), Incident Response and OT Security, Tom is convinced that you can make Cyber Security working for you as a gain instead of a pain.
Prior to his current role as co-founder and managing partner at Cybervalue, Tom was technical operations executive and CISO at a dedicated security ‘scale-up’ in London focused on providing Managed Detection and Response services. Before that, Tom was CISO at Worldline and performed strategic consulting roles at both HPE and IBM. Tom led Verizon’s global consulting practice focused on security analytics, SOC, SCADA/ICS protection and threat management solutions.
Ward Duchamps
- Entrepreneur and innovator in security, privacy, and identity
- Pioneer in Consumer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)
- Thought leader in authorizations and access control
- Experienced in various company types, ranging from startups to publicly listed multinationals
- Values transparency, sustainability, knowledge transfer, and digital inclusion
Peter Geelen
- Over 25 years of experience in IT, mainly information, cloud and cyber security.
- Independent security consultant since 2016
- Training and coaching in information security since 2019
Bart De Win
Bart holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from KULeuven, as well as a Ph.D. in Application Security from KULeuven.
He has 25 years of experience in cybersecurity and is working as a Director in the Cyber&Privacy unit at PwC Belgium. He is also co-lead of the OWASP SAMM project.
Christian De Boeck
Christian holds a PhD in Sciences from the University of Brussels and works as an independent consultant, auditor and coach.
Since more than 25 years, he is supporting executives and leaders looking to increase their own resilience as well as the resilience, continuity and sustainability of their enterprises.
He’s been working in very diverse and international environments abroad and in Belgium (BNPParibasFortis, Record Bank / ING, Sibelga, PwC, NMBS, Baloise, Etablissements Français du Sang, Roche pharma, Hamon, …).
Christian’s vision and experience from the field is that best resilient enterprises stay in business and grow by also caring about their people, technologies and environment. Hence the need for a winning sustainability strategy supports fight against climate change and reduction of the environmental footprint.
On a more personal touch, he is the proud father of 2 teen girls, and that’s another strong thrive for developing resilient paths on a daily base and offering his family a better future.
Stephen Smith
Stephen has some 25 years of experience in IT and 12 years in OT cyber risk management, with experience in business strategy, competitive analysis and cyber risk management. He has been working as an independent consultant for 22 years.
Stefaan Van daele
Stefaan’s professional journey started way back in 1988 as an engineer in the R&D unit of Agfa Gevaert. After some intermediate company changes, Stefaan joined IBM in 1997 as Architect for Systems management solutions first, and since 2001 for (cyber)security solutions. In his role as Security Architect, he fulfilled several positions in Benelux, Europe and at global level. Also, he achieved in 2015 his Level 3 Architect Certification (Open Group Distinguished Architect) and since 2021 he is the Benelux Architect Profession leader (across all IT domains). In his current role as member of a WW team, he assists IBM Clients with security innovative projects.
Arnd De Weirdt
- International privacy counsel & DPO EMEA with Randstad Sourceright and Randstad Enterprise Group
- Previous role as head of privacy with SD Worx
- Prior experience as privacy consultant
- Background in law, CIPP/E certified
Isabel Plets
- Of Counsel bij Lydian en praktijklector bij Universiteit Gent, vakgroep sociaal recht (2001 – heden)
- Master Rechten – specialisatie social recht met grote onderscheiding (1996)
Evelien Delbeke
- Legal Consultant – expert gezondheidsrecht (Mediure)
- 10 jaar ervaring als advocaat gezondheidsrecht (partner Sanalex Advocaten)
- Doctor in de rechten, Gastprofessor Universiteit Antwerpen (Leerstoel en Postgraduaat Gezondheidsrecht en – Gezondheidsethiek)
- Erkend bemiddelaar in burgerlijke en handelszaken en collaboratief onderhandelaar
- Lid van het College Klinische Proeven
- Lid van de Redactieraad van het Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht
- Lid van de ethische en deontologische commissie van de Vlaamse Vereniging van Logopedisten
Chris De Vuyst
- (University of Ghent)
- Active in the field of information security and data protection since 2002
- Security advisor/auditor with broad knowledge of all aspects of information security and with extensive eGov experience (social security, ehealth, military, …) in various roles (security consultant/officer, IT security researcher, CISO/DPO as-a-service)
- Since 2022 Expert Cybersecurity & Certification at the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB).
Laurine Vierendeels
- Juriste spécialisée en technologie de l’information et de la communication.
Stefan De Proft
- Commissioner-investigator at the Belgian Supervisory Body of Police Information
- Employed for more than 20 years in the Belgian Federal Police in different positions both at national and regional level, always related to the management of operational police information, including public order and judicial police
- Involved in the development of a national ANPR network
- Head of service at the Communication and Information Service of the District of Halle Vilvoorde
- Worked as chief operations for the Belgian Air Support Unit and for the Intelligence Department of the National Public Order Directorate.
- Involved in the functional development of several police applications, and acted as a representative in working groups with regards to police law and national guidelines for the processing of police information
- Occasionally sent abroad to participate in international information exchange centers established at the occasion of large scale international events such as G8 Summits and NATO meetings
- Participated to several international seminars and trainings
- Participate to several international courses and seminars
- Sent to Burundi twice in order to contribute to the training of local police officers and in order to develop a national communication center with regards to the 2015 national elections
- Guest lecturer at different police academies with regards to police information matters
Ronny Saelens
- Jurist
- Wetenschappelijk medewerker (bezoldigd) aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, onderzoeksgroep Law, Science, Technology & Society
- Adviseur bij de (toenmalige) Vlaamse Toezichtcommissie
- Rechtskundig adviseur bij de Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit
- Expert en commissaris-onderzoeker in het Controleorgaan op de politionele informatie (sinds 5 september 2018)
- Lesgever opleiding aspirant commissaris (ANPA) aan de Nationale Politieacademie
- Lesgever ‘Grondrechten en veiligheid’, aan de Securitas Academie
Eric De Smedt
- Over 30 years of experience in IT, mainly in information security
- Expert Security Consultant at Toreon since 2019
- 8 years at Telenet, the last 4 of which as being responsible for information security (CISO-role)
- 23 years at EDS (later HP) in various technical roles including development, conducting security assessments for international clients, security incident response and forensics and a lot more…
- CISSP since 2008
- ISO27001 Lead Implementer
Thomas Heyman
- PhD in secure software engineering from the KU Leuven
- 15 years of experience in cybersecurity and secure software engineering
Steven Wierckx
- Application Security Expert at Toreon
- Guest lecturer at various colleges
- More than 20 years of experience in programming, testing and security
Sebastien Deleersnyder
- Master degree in applied Computer science at the University of Ghent
- 20+ years of experience in cybersecurity and privacy
- Co-founder and CTO at Toreon
- Threat modeling trainer at Black Hat
- Co-founder and chapter leader of OWASP Belgium
Patrick Soenen
- Partner at Qualified Audit Academy
- 20 years of Experience in Audit related to information technology, governance and privacy
- Trainer at Institute of Internal Auditors, UCL, ICHEC, ISACA, IFACI
- Secretary General of DPO-pro (Professional Assocation of DPO’s in Belgium)
- Board Member at Institute of Fraud Auditors
Franck Dumortier
- Chercheur au Cyber & Data Security Lab de la Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
- Senior Consultant chez Cybersecurity-law.be
- Membre effectif de la Commission de contrôle bruxelloise
Vincent Buekenhout
- Onafhankelijke DPO bij VDAB
- Leider op het gebied van ethiek in kunstmatige intelligentie (Digital Ethicist)
- Adviseur en expert in data governance, big data en datastrategie
- Opzetten van data-roadmaps, Corporate Data Model, data governance-programma’s en informatiebeveiliging
- Vader en sporter, gepassioneerd wijnliefhebber en lezer
Christoph Balduck
- Managing Partner Data Trust Associates
- Meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in data management (o.a. bij Volvo) en 18 jaar ervaring in IT
- EU gecertificeerd Data Protection Officer (certificatie door European Institute of Public Administration sinds 2015)
- Trainer bij Vlerick Business School en I.T. Works
Peter Berghmans
- Managing partner en trainer bij Data Protection Institute
- Docent Informatiebeveiliging aan Thomas More Hogeschool Mechelen (sinds 1999)
- DPO in de zorgsector
- Lid van de Vlaamse Toezichtcommissie (VTC)
- Sinds 2003 actief in gegevensbescherming en informatieveiligheid
Nico De Bock
- Master in de TEW, MBA
- Meer dan 30 jaar actief in de internationale IT bedrijfswereld
- ISO 27001 Internal Auditor
- Certified Sales Specialist
- Certified DPO
- GDPR Consultant
Dirk De Bot
- Zaakvoerder van Data Protection Services for you (DPS4U), opgericht in 2015.
- Licentiaat (KULeuven) en doctor (VUB, 2015) in de rechten
- 5 jaar ervaring als advocaat aan de balie van Brussel
- 25 jaar ervaring als juridisch specialist op vlak van informaticarecht en privacywetgeving, waarvan 18 jaar bij financiële instellingen
- Expert voor de Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit voor de opvolging van de GDPR-verordening en -richtlijn (2012-2015)
Frans Macken
- 25 jaar als intern auditor bij Fortis
- Academische vorming: Master in economics
- Certified Internal auditor
Maarten Stassen
- Partner bij Crowell & Moring LLP
- Ervaring als advocaat in België en Spanje
- Gespecialiseerd in privacy en GDPR
- Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)
- Voormalig lid van de adviesraad van International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
Herman Maes
- Industrieel Ingenieur Electronica/ICT
- Sinds 2002 als blogger online actief waarbij hij digitale trends ook steeds zelf gaat ondervinden
- 17 jaar IT consultancy en Digital agency ervaring
- Freelance marketing strateeg & Privacy officer
- Docent bij Thomas More en praktijkassistent bij Uhasselt
Bart van Buitenen
- Zaakvoerder White Wire, opgericht in 2017
- Data Protection Officer en consultant gegevensbescherming
- Gastdocent Information Security aan Thomas More Hogeschool
- 7 jaar ervaring met gegevensbescherming binnen de privé-, publieke en zorgsector.
Bart Van den Brande
- Managing Partner bij Sirius Legal Advocaten, opgericht in 2010
- 8 jaar expertise in databescherming en privacy voor de media- , reclame- en entertainment sector
- Lid van Legal Comité van BAM (Belgian Association of Marketing)
- Lid van de IP Practice Group van Consulegis, een internationaal netwerk van onafhankelijke advocatenkantoren
- Ervaring als docent opsteltechnieken voor handelscontracten aan VUB (2005-2013)
- Ervaren spreker op seminaries en verschillende opleidingen
Johan Vandendriessche
- Licentiaat in de Rechten (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- 20 jaar ervaring in ICT-recht, intellectueel eigendomsrecht, privacy en verwerking van persoonsgegevens
- Advocaat-vennoot bij Affluo
- Advocaat-vennoot bij Advocatenkantoor Johan Vandendriessche BVBA
- Gastdocent
- Odisee
- Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
- Gastprofessor
- ICT-recht | UGent
- ICT & Data Protection Law | HoWest
- Co-editor | Praktijkboek Recht en ICT
Kenny Willems
- Specialist voor het implementeren en beheren van GDPR en ISO-27001 trajecten
- EuroPriSe expert
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