Overzicht Volgende training

Looptijd 20 hours blended

Onze docenten voor de opleiding: Practitioner bedreigingsmodellering





Deze opleiding gaat online door in het Engels

Met deze hybride online training leren we je hoe je een threat modeling practitioner wordt; hoe je threat modeling toepast en hoe je beveiliging “inbouwt” als onderdeel van je veilige ontwikkelpraktijk. Deze training is een combinatie van digitale voorbereidingen in je eigen tempo en praktijkgerichte live labs door onze experts op het gebied van bedreigingsmodellering.

Deze training is online en wordt in het Engels gegeven. Kijk hier voor meer informatie over de inhoud en om je in te schrijven.

Wil je de training liever in house volgen samen met je collega’s in plaats van achter een scherm? Onze collega’s van Toreon hebben een uitgebreide certified threat modeling training die in company gegeven wordt.

hybrid threat modeling outline



Exclusief BTW


"Threat Modeling Practitioner Certificate"

Price Public servants €1245
SME portfolio Flanders - higher subsidy for theme CYBERSECURITY: 45% for small and 35% for medium-sized enterprises.

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Boek een gesprek
  • ““Sebastien delivered! One of the best workshop instructors I’ve ever had.””

    Black Hat training participant

  • ““I took Whiteboard Hacking training with Sebastien, and it really helped me understand how to threat model properly. I don’t think I have found any other training to be as comprehensive or deep and Sebastien provided relevant examples. I would highly recommend this training to others interested in Security.””

    Jeevan Singh

    Engineering Manager, Application Security at Segment

  • ““Just finished your excellent Threat Modelling course, led by Steven Wierckx together with colleagues from all over Europe. It was really great and comes recommended from my side to anyone interested in developing IT systems that are secure by design.””

    Fedder Skovgaard

    Enterprise Architect at Energinet.dk

  • ““I feel that this course is one of the most important courses to be taken by a security professional.””

    Black Hat training participant

  • ““The group hands-on practical exercises truly helped.””

    OWASP training participant

  • ““Toreon’s comprehensive Threat Modeling training has enabled several Trend Micro R&D teams to identify software security risks at the design phase with a structured approach.””

    ChiChang Kung

    R&D Architect at Trend Micro

  • ““Modern, comprehensive threat modeling techniques.””

    O’Reilly training participant






Practitioner bedreigingsmodellering

Start 23-Sept; Live labs 30-Sept, 3-Oct, 10-Oct; review session 5-Nov


Practitioner bedreigingsmodellering

Start 2-Dec; Live labs 9-Dec, 12-Dec, 19-Dec; review session 21-Jan 2025


Practitioner bedreigingsmodellering

Start 17-Mar 2025; Live labs 24-Mar, 28-Mar, 3-Apr; review session 8-May 2025


Practitioner bedreigingsmodellering

Start 18-Aug 2025; Live labs 25-Aug, 28-Aug, 4-Sep; review session 2-Oct 2025


Practitioner bedreigingsmodellering

Start 24-Nov 2025; Live labs 1-Dec, 5-Dec, 11-Dec; review session 15-Jan 2026


Wij zijn erkend door:

  • Registration number KMO portefeuille: DV.O213013

    Our courses are accredited for the KMO-portefeuille. This means that, depending on whether you are a small or medium-sized enterprise, you can receive a 30% or 20% subsidy from the Flemish Government on the cost of registration.

  • Acknowledgement by Chèque-Formation

    The training voucher allows you to benefit from financial aid to train your workers in one of the approved training centres. Worth 30 euros, it corresponds to 1 hour of training per worker.

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